Microscopy Supplies
Deep Six Imaging offers a selection of routine microscopy supplies suitable for use, maintenance and calibration.
Valley Scientific FluorCal slides
FluorCal slides represent an important tool in microscopy for field alignment in confocal and widefield imaging systems. Suitable for storage at room temperature and photostable under laser illumination, these coverslipped slides are suitable for field assessments under high NA objectives.
Microscope coverglass #1.5
Imaging objectives from any of the major microscope vendors are optimized for a #1.5 coverglass (.16-.19 mm). Often, for convenience a #1 coverslip is used. Technicians might erroneously assume that this buys some additional working distance. Microscope objectives are corrected for “free” working distance, meaning that the distance occupied by a #1.5 coverglass is already taken into account. Decreasing the amount of coverglass between the objective and the mountant actually diminishes the quality of the resulting images, and the additional 100-300 microns “gained” by using a smaller coverglass is unsuitable for imaging in widefield fluorescence and in some cases with 1P confocal imaging.
Deep Six Imaging offers local delivery to labs within the GTA of coverslips and FluorCal slides.